Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.


Public Information

MV circ desk

Public Information


Library Use:

Remember, no food or drinks are allowed in the libraries. Please turn off your cell phone before entering the libraries. Please do not bring any fire arms or other weapons into the libraries, this includes knives. No pets are allowed in the libraries unless they are service animals and you will need to provide proof of the fact and have them in their service vests. Thank you for helping to keep the Carnegie Libraries a safe place to visit.

How to get a Library Card:

Library cards are free to the public. Please bring in a valid drivers license or state ID, and 2 items of proof of current address (pieces of mail, e.g. bills, that prove your residency or a vehicle registration or insurance card). At the library, you will complete a registration card and sign a patron responsibility form, this information will be entered into our system. It is your responsibility to keep your card up to date should you move or change phone numbers. Cards expire after 3 years. Please note: You must register for a physical library card in person to receive access to electronic media like Libby by Overdrive. Carnegie Public Libraries do not offer eCards. If you have any questions please contact the libraries at 719-852-3931 for the Carnegie Public Library, Monte Vista Branch and 719-873-5079 for the Carnegie Public Library, South Fork Branch.
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"Life is like a library owned by an author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him."-Harry Emerson Forsdick

Checkout Policy:

New patrons may check out two items total for the first three months.
After the first three months, patrons in good standing may check out per card:
5 books and/or audio books
2 DVD or videos
5 magazines
Check Out Period:
Books and audio books-3 weeks
Videos and Magazines-1 week
No renewals on videos and magazines
Books may be renewed only once
There is a Colorado Special section available for in-library use only.
Patrons acknowledge that they are responsible for the following fees:
  1. Cost of lost or damaged books.
  2. Cost of Video, DVD, or Audio Book if lost or damaged.

Inter-Library Loan:

Inter-Library Loans have been suspended until further notice due to COVID-19 Restrictions.
If the book you are wanting is not owned by this library, you may order it through Inter-Library Loan. These may not be renewed, and there is a $1.00 per day late fee. 

E-Books and Audio Books:

  • Download the app Libby by Overdrive or visit
  • Open app, select (touch, tap or click) "Yes" for the first question: Do you have a library card?
  • Select "I'll search for a Library"
  • Enter zip code 81144
  • Select "A Colorado Consortium, Carnegie Public Libraries"
  • Libby Username: all lowercase, no spaces or comma, last name, first initial, middle initial.
  • Password: Your library card number

Please visit with a Carnegie staff member to verify your Username and Password before you download the app and log-in for the first time.








"No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a public library."-Dr. Samuel Johnson

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Computer, Printer, Copier and Fax Machine Policy:

The Carnegie Public Libraries Offer:


  • Internet Access
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Interactive and educational children's games
  • Great for research
  • Available help from staff
  • Laser printer
  • Scanners
*Wireless Internet connection available*

Computer Use Rules:

* Visitors are welcome.
* You must sign in and out at the front desk.
* You must be 13 to use the Internet. Children under 8 years of age must be supervised by a parent/caregiver.
* The time limit is 45 minutes. If you need more time please ask a staff member for help.
* In order to save a document you must use a jump drive or Google account.
* No music, chat lines, chat rooms, instant messaging services, pornography, or downloading (Our computers do not have the proper software to handle this).
* Computers and Printers are shut down for maintenance 15 minutes before the library closes
* WIFI at the Carnegie Library Monte Vista Branch shuts down at 5:00 PM


Printer pages cost 10¢ per each print made for black and white, 20¢ if double sided and $1.00 for each color text and picture. Please keep track of how many you make and pay at the front desk. Please ask for assistance when using the printer.


Copied pages are 10¢ per each copy made for black and white, 20¢ if double sided and $1.00 for each color text and picture. Please keep track of how many you make and pay at the front desk. Please ask for assistance when using the copier.

Fax Machine:

 Please ask for assistance at the front desk on how to send or receive a fax. Faxes are $1.50 per page, sent or received.
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"Knowing I lov'd my books, he furnish'd me, from mine own library with volumes that I prize above my dukedom."

-Shakespeare The Tempest

Proctoring Services:

Proctoring Services are available through distant learning.
Test proctoring is available at both library locations. Students must make an appointment with their chosen library to take a test.


Tours are available for school classes. Please contact the library to find out more.

Spanish Books:

The Carnegie Public library, Monte Vista Branch offers a collection of Spanish books for children.


Both libraries accept books, magazines, monetary and memorial donations.








"The only thing you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library" -Albert Einstein

sf front desk